Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tourism Places

. Nepal is a beautiful country with rich in its natural scene. many tourist came to visit Nepal every year . They enjoy with its natural beauty. There are different conservation area and national parks, different mountain and high hills, snowcapped peaks, the green forest, the rushing torrents, the deep gorge, the roaring falls , tranquil lakes ,the fine florets and fauna, the antique and artistic temples which attract every people. Some of the places which are famous for tourism is described as under:

Chitwan national park
          Chitwan national park is the oldest national park in Nepal. It was established in 2030B.S.This national park lies in the plain area of mid south region of inner terai. Its total area is 932square kilometers. It has been included under the list of world heritage site in 2041B.S .This national park is situated in the centre development region occupying the area of chit wan ,Persa and Makwanpur district of Narayani zone. It is the first National park of Nepal. It contains chure range Rapti valley and main region of Narayani and Riyu River. There are about 570 species of flowering plants, 30 species of large mammals, more than 400 birds’ species, 17 reptiles, and 100 fish’s species. Many endanger animals such as tigers, one horn rhino, wild elephant, stripes hyena’s sloth bears, and alligators are found here.
Many tourists visit these places and enjoy the elephant riding.

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